Sunday, 11 March 2012 23:54 |
Few tips on bird photography in Norway
The new season is slowly starting and it is time to plan on some interesting birding trip. With the increasing number of e-mails asking me about bird photography in Norway I decided to provide a few tips on where to get good information about birding spots. I will stick to a general rule and will not reveal exact locations or GPS coordinates of some sites – in order to keep them quiet and as human-free as possible. The true wildlife enthusiasts will be able to discover these sites anyway. Internet is full of information nowadays… |
Monday, 12 December 2011 23:37 |
Red-necked Phalarope – arctic swimmer
Besides Great Snipe (Gallinago media), one of the birds I was looking for during our summer trip to Mid-Norway was the beautiful little wader Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus). While the popular leks of Great Snipe are located in mountains in Levanger area close to Trondeimsfjord, some of the good spots for watching Phalaropes is the Dovrefjell-Sunndalsfjella National Park south of Oppdal... |
Sunday, 04 December 2011 00:31 |
Krakow collectors
I took only some basic photo stuff with me when I went to a business trip to polish Krakow last year November. I had no chance to go out from the city but fortunately the hotel I was staying at was located right next to the Visla river. Thus I took at least the 200mm lens when I made a few afternoon walks along the riverbank in an attempt to capture some of the city bird inhabitants. Mostly these were Ducks and Gulls but there was also a number of Rooks and Jackdaws - the "collectors" that were gathering in small groups around litter bins in city parks... |
Monday, 28 November 2011 20:50 |

Portfolio -Dutch tulips and Northern Lights
The section PORTFOLIO contains two new items - Dutch tulips and Northern Lights from Norway. What do have these two in common? They both contains pictures where the main motif is the colour itself. When I began with photography, one of the rules I read in the books was "photograph colors" - and it obviously works well!
Here you will find my best pictures of DUTCH TULIPS and here the best of NORTHERN LIGHTS.
The complete list of best pictures according to the themes are found in the portfolio under the menu item “PORTFOLIO”. |
Friday, 18 November 2011 15:46 |
Bird feeder
It is already 4 years since I did my first but also last bird photography at the feeder - it was at home in Czech Republic at the end of 2007. Since then I was dreaming of spending winter times at the feeder photographing small birds. The reality was that since then we have been living in flats with little chance to build a feeder nearby. it all has changed this summer when we moved to a small house in the middle of nature south of Bergen - here I finaly could build a bird feeder right on the house backyard... |
Monday, 14 November 2011 14:08 |
Birds 2012 Calendar
Are you looking for a nice Christmas gift for your friends or beloved ones? Here comes the beautiful calendar for 2012 with Bird pictures - it exists in 3 languages (English, German and Spanish) and you can order it online at the following link... |
Monday, 07 November 2011 22:01 |
Northern Lights - heavenly mirage
So long I have been waiting for this moment and almost missed that! It was our little daughter's cry that woke us up in the middle of the night - I could not believe what I saw when I looked out from out roof window - the sky was dancing with dull light as if the warm air waves above the hot surface of desert. I watch the Aurora forecast every day but no one can actually predict the real intensity and extent of Northern Lights at given latitude... |
Tuesday, 25 October 2011 06:54 |
Great Snipe in Mid Norway
This was really long break! June holiday in Norway, moving to a new place, summer spent home in Czech working on the house reconstruction and then back again to Norway at the end of September after parental leave. A lot was happening in last months but none of it had anything to do with birding and wildlife photography. The only „birding“ experience was the Kingfisher that came to our garden pond to look for some catch... |
Thursday, 30 June 2011 22:55 |
Birds of Mid-Norway in June
It is almost two months since my last update on the website – what I have been doing since then? It was hectic time finishing some stuff at work before leaving for my fathers leave which counts 10 full weeks here in Norway. This extra holiday I planned already at the beginning of the year and of course the plan was to go to do some birding here in Norway. On the other hand, lately Im still more and more thinking of whether spending all my time birding and updating web is the way to go – you know, when hobby becomes more serious job then the joy may disappear... |
Wednesday, 04 May 2011 22:34 |
Snow Bunting on snow, Rock Ptarmigan and a little confusion
When I think of how many kilometres I have walked and climbed during last three weeks, i have a feeling I’m more of a tourist than a wildlife photographer. My very last trip of Easter time led me up to the top of the Gullfjell Mountains in Bergen area. Yes, it is the same area where I photographed Golden Plovers last summer. This time I decided to visit for the first time the very top of the mountains called Gullfjelltoppen – it is supposed to be a good place for spotting Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus)... |
Wednesday, 27 April 2011 20:34 |
Stop cutting down old forests
Bohemian forest (Šumava) is one of the oldest and best preserved national parks in Czech Republic and refuge for a number of endangered bird species (Capercaillie, Black Grouse, Hazel Grouse, White-backed Woodpecker, Three.toed Woodpecker, Ural Owl etc...). The new, politically chosen management of the Park decided to cut down trees in the most protected zones of the park that have previously been set as untouchable (with no human intervention) and that should be left to the natural processes without exception. If you woudl like to support the effort of nonprofit nature conservation organization which demands to stop cutting down the trees in Bohemian forest, you can attach your signature to the petition in the link below. I hope you can help us even if you are not from our country, the nature does not have borders... |
Tuesday, 12 April 2011 21:15 |
First encounter with Black Grouse
When I admired the pictures of Black Grouse (Tetrao tetrix) on the internet last year, I had no clue this bird was rather common bird in the Bergen area where I live in Norway. The very first sight of the Black Grouse at Sotra island last winter and the stories I have heard from some locals made me to look more into literature and internet sources to find a few potentially good places for photography around. Surprisingly already the very first trip to one of the places brought quite good results... |
Wednesday, 06 April 2011 11:01 |
100. Jubilee - White-backed Woodpecker
The last time I updated the list of photographed birds from Europe in September 2010 I counted 99 species. With great expectations I was looking forward to see what would be the hundredth species that I will take a photo of. At that time I had no clue that it would take more than 6 months until I would be able to update the list with the jubilee 100th bird... |
Sunday, 27 March 2011 19:43 |
Did you know... Crested Tit
Although Crested Tit (Lophophanes cristatus) (formerly Parus cristatus) is a common passerine species in Czech Republic (250 000 – 500 000 pairs), it is not as well known as the usual „bird-feeder“ Tits, the Blue Tit (Cyanistes caeruleus, formerly Parus caeruleus) or Great Tit (Parus major). It is mostly because this small bird is bound to a forest environment and is easily overlooked hidden up in the tree tops. Experienced birdwatcher will not have problems identifying this bird |
Thursday, 24 February 2011 20:53 |
Tracking the winter Ptarmigans
Every experienced photographer and birder knows, that the best moments are those when you observe certain species in a place that has not been shown to you – photographing birds from commercial hide is option for many but it cannot really satisfy genuine naturalist. Finding such a place in the nature requires that hours and hours are spend strolling around in the new terrain, often without any photo taken and sometimes it is worth checking the place without heavy camera, just with the binoculars in your hands... |
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