Monday, 28 November 2011 20:50 |

Portfolio -Dutch tulips and Northern Lights
The section PORTFOLIO contains two new items - Dutch tulips and Northern Lights from Norway. What do have these two in common? They both contains pictures where the main motif is the colour itself. When I began with photography, one of the rules I read in the books was "photograph colors" - and it obviously works well!
Here you will find my best pictures of DUTCH TULIPS and here the best of NORTHERN LIGHTS.
The complete list of best pictures according to the themes are found in the portfolio under the menu item “PORTFOLIO”. |
Last Updated on Monday, 28 November 2011 21:01 |
Saturday, 12 February 2011 22:01 |
Tip – lens hoods Do-It-Yourself
Last week I came across an interesting website where you can download for free the schemes of almost any type of lens hood. So far I was lucky not to lose any of the hoods of my lenses but I’m aware that the original lens hoods can be damn expensive – for example the spare hood for the super-telephoto lens canon EF 500mm F 4.0 IS can be bought on Internet for some 600 USD! The above-mentioned web page contains 1:1 scale drawings of a number of hoods for lens of Canon, Nikon, Sigma, Tamron, Tokina, Pentax and Olympus brands. You can simply download the drawings, print them in real size on the paper, cut out and fold to be ready-to-use. Of course, any better material – firmer and waterproof, can replace the paper that the hood is made of. Besides th fact you don’t need to pay a lot of many for the original lens hood you can also spare the space in your bag and carry the lens unfolded. Some people may feel as a drawback that the hood must be attached to the lens with the use of elastic band and alternatively by a sticky tape but to me this seems to be good compromise for its price. The web page also contains a script that creates the drawing of a lens hood according to your demands. The documents with hood drawings for crop-factor-made lenses can be found on the website |
Last Updated on Saturday, 12 February 2011 22:06 |
Thursday, 10 February 2011 21:48 |

Portfolio - Landscape
Next on the list of the "Best of" photographs from my gallery are the pictures of landscape - although Im mostly concentrating on birds, there are surprisingly high number of landscape shots in my database. The best pictres from the landscape category can be seen HERE.
The complete list of best pictures according to the themes are found in the portfolio under the menu item “PORTFOLIO”. |
Last Updated on Monday, 28 November 2011 20:49 |
Friday, 31 December 2010 02:28 |
PF 2011: Let us not be blind
There is so much of beauty and miracles in the world but most of that we pass by everyday without a notice. Our whole life is made up of tiny, seemingly unimportant details and stories. Some of us desire to be successful, some want to be rich or quest for the meaning of life. In the frenzy of modern life we lose the ability to perceive what really is important, genuine and beautiful.
I’m not a good story-teller so I’m attaching to this „muse“ a story told by somebody else – maybe you have heard that story already – it is all about how blind we are to see extraordinary things in our lives, about the naivety we lose, about how we would like to be but we are not… |
Last Updated on Sunday, 02 January 2011 22:50 |
Tuesday, 21 December 2010 22:22 |
Magdalena, the best Christmas gift...
I do mostly bird photography but it is great pleasure for me now to focus on this little mammal called Magdalena :-)
Our daughter Magdaléna was born 19.12.2010.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!
Jiri, Eliška and Magdalena
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Last Updated on Tuesday, 21 December 2010 22:34 |
Tuesday, 16 November 2010 22:41 |
BirdLife Community launched
Everyone interested in watching, photography or conservation of birds certainly knows BirdLife International. This association is the world’s largest global alliance of conservation organizations that share a joint mission to conserve wild birds, their habitats and global biodiversity. BirdLife International has Partners in over 100 countries, with 2.5 million members and 8 million supporters with these numbers still growing... |
Last Updated on Thursday, 27 January 2011 08:43 |
Friday, 14 May 2010 08:57 |
European Bird List up and running!!
Dear birders, photographers and simply all the people that have something to do with birds! yesterday 13.5.2010 we launched the project that we have been working on together with Jan Veber and Robert Doležal (Dodin) for last few months. It is a virtual space where all the birders from all over the world can present their bird observations, share their experience, compete and communicate with similarly “affected” individuals. We will work on the project further and to do that successfully we need you – the users who will keep the web alive and improving. We believe that the project will attract your attention and that you will join it as some 30 people already did during the first day after the project birth!
Join the project at the address
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Last Updated on Friday, 14 May 2010 09:11 |
Monday, 12 April 2010 18:01 |
Beyond the camera - Manos Papadomanolakis
There are several types of nature photographers – “Content photographers” photograph everything and often without any great effort for good picture. They mainly care about the content, i.e. the real scenes seen in the nature. The second group, probably the most common nowadays are “photographers technicians“ (as I am I think) – they focus on getting technically perfect picture and publish everything that is technically OK, they delete bad pictures and love beautiful photographs – such a pictures usually comes as a coincidence, unexpected gift from the nature. The last and less numbered group are “photographers artists” who mainly care about the aesthetic value of the picture... |
Last Updated on Friday, 16 April 2010 07:52 |
Saturday, 31 October 2009 00:08 |
Be updated - newsletters
It was the nature photographer Alessandro Carboni from JuzaForum who suggested me to establish a mailing list where everybody could be updated with new information from this website. I have welcomed that idea – sometimes I do the updates twice a week, sometimes it takes me month or even more and I know how this feature might be helpful with websites as is mine – I like reading articles of other photographers but do not have time to check their websites every day.
With the „News subscription“ function you will be getting regular newsletter about what is going on this website – either it will be a new article or new photos in a gallery. The only you have to do is to sign up for the mail newsletter in the left menu under the heading „News subscription“ – after subscribing your name and mail address and email confirmation you will be added to the mailing list that I will use then for sending the newsletters. Your subscription can be cancelled anytime later. I hope you will find this new feature useful and will eventually sing up for the news updates.
Jiří Sláma |
Last Updated on Saturday, 31 October 2009 00:12 |
Sunday, 30 August 2009 21:04 |
New czech wildlife forum at
Last Updated on Friday, 11 September 2009 09:16 |
Friday, 28 November 2008 07:12 |
Beyond the camera – Edwin Kats
I encountered the work of this talented photographer recently during browsing the Image critique forum at Although Edwin is quite new on this forum, his pictures appear pretty regularly in the „Photo of the week” section of this website...
Last Updated on Thursday, 03 February 2011 08:21 |
Wednesday, 01 October 2008 22:43 |
Beyond the camera - Olivier Seydoux
In these short profiles I would like to introduce some of the photographers, whose work is an inspiration for me and whose pictures are always pleasure to look at. Let me begin with French photographer Olivier Seydoux, whose pictures I found last year during browsing the PBase internet gallery...
Last Updated on Thursday, 03 February 2011 08:31 |